When your novel’s out there, what now?


Darcy Conroy just can’t stop writing!

On the back of her adventurous and page-turning thriller As Long As She Lives, she has been writing a serial The War of Wind and Moon, a step away from the tough realism of her ALASL protagonist Cait Lancaster into a world of Young Adult contemporary fantasy.

Set primarily between current day Australia and Japan, The War of Wind and Moon posits the existence of an afterworld, paranormal creatures, and reincarnation. It asks the question, How do you fight evil if death is not the end?

It's now up to Chapter 8, and you can catch up in no time on the fortnightly serial. Read it or listen to it. Darcy drew on her skills as an audio-book producer to read, write and record this serial fiction, making it available as a podcast as well as in text. At around fifteen minutes per episode, it should fit any commute. You'll find a three-minute audio trailer and access to all chapters here.

To be sure never to miss an episode, subscribe to receive an email from Darcy each time one is released.