Shorts for their own sake

Just like young boys wearing short pants, the writing of short stories used to be seen as practise for when you grew up (into novels).

Those days are so long gone that micro-fiction now has its place in the world of literature. (They've got to be the 'hot pants' of the short-story world, don't they?)

Shorts for their own sake make writing so much more accessible.

You've got a creative streak but you're time poor? Have a look out your train window and write a hundred words (exactly) about what you see.

You've got a great idea but can't think where it might go? It doesn't need to go anywhere. (Except on the page so you don't forget it!)

You've got two little thoughts that you think might be linked but don't know how? Start writing and keep going until you've made a link. (Knowing that this doesn't have to be the link.)

If you haven't been writing lately. Choose a novel from your shelf. Open to any page. Write the first full sentence out onto a piece of paper. Pick up a pen and write constantly for ten minutes. Aim to write a complete story. Rush it! Go on. Get it all down in a flurry. Leave it for a week. And then ...

May your words pour onto the page, 
